ELS Express by Shrieky Saturday
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Shrieky Saturday????


When the ELS classes began, we thought it would be fun for the kids to give their class a name. No prizes for guessing why the Saturday 12 noon group called themselves Shrieky Saturday !! The kids in this class are between 11 and 13 years old.  



And what is ELS?


Elocution and Life Skills is an attempt to develop children into thinking young people, aware of the world around them, and confident enough to have opinions of their own. Arising out of the Speech and Drama (Elocution) classes conducted by Madhulika Varma, Kamala Ramchandani-Naharwar and Vidhi Shah, the basic idea is to encourage and develop the personal growth of the children both intellectually and emotionally.


ELS Express ….


….is the name chosen by the children of Shrieky Saturday for their ezine. Although the “consulting editors” of the ELS Express, Madhulika Varma, Kamala Ramchandani-Naharwar and Vidhi Shah, guide and advise the kids, all the articles, with the exception of this note, have been conceptualized and written by the children.


So please jump aboard the ELS Express. The children are responsible for their  sections, and articles will be updated at least once a month, if not more frequently. Do sign the guest book and tell us what you think. And if you have a favourite page, tell us about that too !


Enjoy !


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Last week's class - behind the scenes:

Saturday, August 5  -  By Aditya Shah
Today's class was filled with a lot of excitement. We were making ads related to sports. It was girls versus boys.
The boys presented an excellent performance. We performed three ads. In the first ad we made up a shoe known as Turbojet. In this ad there were two fat people walking towards the bus stop and before they could reach it,  the bus arrives and goes. The thinner one out of the two fat men ran to get on the bus. Then the fatter one wore the turbojet shoes and became much faster than the other one and reached the bus.
In our second ad there was a person who was playing football;  he could not see the ball at all. At half time he wore a product known as Accenture Glasses and from then on,  played brilliantly and even scored a goal.
In our third ad three friends were going to see a movie but before that two of them went shopping. The one who didn't go shopping saw the movie as the other two did not turn up. He then reached their house and saw they were staring at a football. He too sat down and stared at the football.
The girls then did not have time to perform so you all need to wait another week before you hear what the girls will do.

Saturday July 1st - by Muskaan Goyal

The girls, separate, and boys, separate, had group improvisations on leadership.


The boys presented one about a bad football captain taking charge and not listening to anyone, hence losing their match. In the end, he realizes his mistakes and makes a more capable person and captain.


The boys did a lot of miming and won.


Now, the girls ….


Similar to the boys, except it was a basketball match. She hogged the limelight, did not let anyone play, and their team lost the match.

In our impro, unfortunately the ball floated in mid-air and there was no dribbling ! So the boys won ….


Thank you !

Saturday June 24th  - by Abhinav Subramanian

Last week we did some thing special on leaders. Miss Madhulika Varma gave us some papers on the topic of leadership. In that paper there were some
questions like: "What is your concept of a leader?" and "According to you, what are the traits/qualities that would hinder a good leader?" After we wrote our answers Miss started to discuss them and loads of us had many different views. After that that we discussed some more and then we had to leave. So
in a nutshell, last week’s class was about leadership!   :)

Saturday March 25th - by Aarushi Agarwal


Each one of us lives a life in which we have to go through a few ups and downs. We all face some problems and end up having a tough time solving them. So, on Saturday, 25th of March we all met to discuss a problem which everyone faces in today’s times ---------





The world is becoming more competitive day by day. In the schools of Bombay we students have a tough time managing our schoolwork. All the teachers just start dumping us with homework one after the other. The homework and tests are hardly over and done with, when we discover that the exams are nearing………….



We all formed a circle and started looking for solutions to our problems. A few of us gave suggestions like:


  • When a chapter is done in class, write down short notes. That will make it easier to study for tests and exams.
  • Manage our time - as soon as we come back from school. sit down to study and finish our homework and then relax/or go down to play.
  • Try not to take breaks when we are studying because then we feel lazy to study again.
  •  After studying even if we wish to take a break we should not watch television or sit at the computer, because then we are glued to it and do not wish to get back to studying again.



After discussing our problems we just chatted a bit, said goodbye to each other and headed home.


 *               *                *                  *                   *



Saturday March 18th - By Dhruv Mehta

Class started at the normal time. Miss told us to sit in a circle. First, she told us about a ‘Message Board’ which was present on our website but which nobody took any heed of. So, she told Aditya to get a topic next week and we would have a debate on that.


Then she told us to write on a piece of paper what problems we had in our lives. She said it was to be confidential and only discussed among the class. This exercise was being done to help each other and find a solution to our problems.


After that, we gave our Transactional Analysis homework to Miss. She also told us to do a small verbal improvisation where everybody had to make transactions. So, a few people did their transactions and later, these were discussed.


At the end, Miss showed us how to operate the Message Board. She also showed us how we could start a topic and people could post their replies. Then we all said goodbye and left.




Saturday March 11th - by Mihir Sheth

On Saturday, the 11th of March, we started a new year of Els. We first had to wait for a few late-comers, and until then we were as usual chatting our time away.


When all the boys and girls had come Ms Madhulika gave us sheets on something like “Transactional Analysis”.


She told us that each of us, no matter what age we are, have 3 people inside us, i.e. the Child, the Adult & the Parent.


The Child is the person in us that reacts with our feelings i.e. fun, sarcasm, anger, requests etc.


The Adult is the person inside us who reacts by our thought like the facts which we have read about.


The Parent is the person inside us who reacts with what we have been taught.


Then Ms explained about the various types of Transactional Analysis. There are 3 types which are:-


  1. Complementary:- this is a type of transaction where the Parent of Person 1 speaks to the Child of Person 2 & vice-versa or an Adult to Adult vice-versa.

E.g.:- P1 = “What is the time?”

         P2= “The time is 4:45 pm,sir.”


  1. Crossed:- This is the type where a person speaks from Adult of P1 to Adult of P2 but the 2nd person speaks from the Child to the Parent.

E.g.:- P1= “ Do you know where the nearest bus stop is?”

               P2= “Why don’t you find out one yourself?”

  1. Ulterior:- This is the type where people actually speak from Parent to child & vice-versa or from Adult to Adult & vice-versa but the conversations have a hidden message.

E.g.:- P1(librarian) = “Were you studying at home?”

               P2 (a person who does not study much) = “Yes, I was studying at my home.”


This was what we had done in class last time & by the time we left class half of us were still half - bewildered



To visit the websites of the other ELS classes, click on the links below

Fantastic Fifteen
