To learn more about the Xbox 360(Click here)
The Xbox 360:-
The Xbox 360 is the newer version of the Xbox(as you all kow is also really
good). You can say that it is a childs dream too nowadays because the graphics are really good all the games are really fun(TRUST
ME I KNOW, I HAVE ONE AT MY HOUSE!) and also not to forget its most important feature the Xbox live! Its like you can
play online with all your friends around the world that is if they have the Xbox360 too. Its really a dream. I suggest you
should buy one or wait for a newer and better gaming machine THE PS3!! Even if you wanna buy one buy an original one from
abroad cause maybe the ones they sell here might be fake and not to mention they might not be having Xbox live!
Abhinav Kumar ; )
The Core 2 Platform(For the computers):-
The Core 2 makes the computer faster than usualand makes your gaming experience more FUN! Its designed
by Intel and is a really good treat for all your computers. For those who haven't yet noticed the Core 2 is a chip which powers
all the computers functions. Its like the latest Graphic card (Come on you should be knowing what it is by now!) only which
give your computer more speed! Its really good but it does cost a lot of money and SURELY doesnt come free with it haha.
Also by the one and only Abhinav
To learn more about The Play station 2(Click here)(The site will take some time to load)
The Playstation 2:-
As you all know the Playstation 2 is a really good gaming machine and quite sturdy. But try not to
buy the slim one because its not too sturdy and sometimes only sometimes it heats up VERY quickly. it doesnt have much of
the online features of the Xbox 360 as you all have read but its a really good gaming machine AND not to forget the sequel
to the hit is coming soon the PS3! Be sure to buy it!